WARM UP Tape your hands, then 3 rounds 6 little kips 5 big kips 4 knees to chest 3 toes to bar/chin height straight into the work for the day. BAR MUSCLE UP / RIG TEKKERS If you can do 10x Rx pullups linked: L1: 4 x 8 or 5 x 4 linked bar muscle ups. For every failed rep, 3x GHD sit ups. L2: Practice BMU with bands If you are working on getting your Rx pullup Set up the scale you have been working on, and try to get 3 reps of each of these movements: 1. Kipping in a band. 2. Kip + pull 3. Kip + pull + push away 4. Linking kipping pullups without losing rythym. WOD 27-21-15 reps for time of: Thrusters @ 42.5/30kg Pull-ups Rx = 7 mins Full cap = 17 minutes Wednesday 26 July
HANDSTAND WALK - 20 minutes L1: 6 minutes warming up HSW, then 14 min AMRAP - Max feet unbroken HSW - Same number of calories on Bike L2: Practice "steps" against the wall, then try to move to the crash mats L3: HS tekkers and scales WOD 3 rounds for time of: Run 800 meters // 400m 50 jumping lunges // 30 jumping lunges 50 sit-ups // 30 sit ups Time cap = 18 minutes Purpose of this wod is INTENSITY, moving faster than you want to move. If you don't think you will finish the full reps in the 18 minutes, scale the numbers, GO FAST AND GET IT DONE. COOL DOWN 1. Cobra stretch - 5 x 2. Neck stretch - stand straight up, let head fall forward with chin towards chest. Don't force it. Then let head fall to the left, to the back and to the right, each for about 10-15 seconds 3. Trunk stretch - lay on back, bend left leg and tip it towards the right floor. try to keep shoulder blades flat on the floor. Repeat on other side, then once again. Tuesday 25 Jul 2017
CUE UP LOUD LIFTING MUSIC! BURGENER WARM UP With a PVC pipe: 3 x down and ups 3 x high elbows 3 x muscle snatch 3 x overhead squat 3 x full snatch SNATCH 5-4-3-2 Warm up sets, increase weight each time, no need for touch and go. Combine with any additional mobility you require. You then start your 8 lifts. NEW: Any new members get a full review of the snatch movement Snatch - Power or Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (8 singles) Increase weight each round until completed, or failure. Record hit and failed lifts. Score = total kg of top 6 successful lifts If you PB, ring the bell! WARM UP - 7 MINUTES 30-20-10 Jumping lunges Empty bar push press WALLBALLS - 15 minutes L1: If you can Rx your wallballs Wallball target practice - ACCURACY Do six up and downs Wallball to the : 6 foot line 7 foot line 8 foot line 9 foot line 10 foot line 11 foot line and back. If you miss one, start that set again. Use the bricks as lines. L2: Anyone who struggles with wallballs: TEKKERS to improve efficiency and determine the correct scale for the WOD. PULLUPS - 12 MINUTES EVERYONE: TAPE YOUR HANDS IF NECESSARY L1: If you've got slick butterflies nailed... 1 strict pullup + 1 kipping pu + 1 butterfly pu + 1 butterfly chest to bar 2-2-2-2 3-3-3-3 ... L2: Got kipping pu? Practice butterfly. L3: Working on kipping PU in a band? Practice and determine scale for WOD 2016 Regional Events 3 For time: 104 wall-ball shots 52 pull-ups M: Black ball / Top line 10ft W: Red ball / TOP LINE, 10FT. Regionals time cap = 6 minutes Our cap = 15 mins COOL DOWN 1. Adductor / lat stretch - sit with legs out in front as wide as you can, reach over your head with your right arm towards your left foot - hold for a count of 15, then take left arm towards right foot for a count of 15. 2. Ankle/quad stretch - sit on your legs so that your bum is resting on your heels. lean back to increase the stretch in your quads and ankles, then relax. Repeat for a count of 20. Friday 21 July
Happy 30th Birthday Will! "TallBoy" 30 minute AMRAP 30 wallballs 30 double unders 30 box jumps @ 24/20" 3 bar muscle ups 300m row Tuesday 18 July
Dynamic warm up and mobility: 20 minutes 15 empty bar push press Then, 2 front rack mobs of your choice - Global roll out with foam roller - peanut roll out - lacrosse ball in anterior shoulder - tricep smash 15 empty bar push press retest 15 empty bar front squat Then, 2 squat mobs of your choice - ankle stretch with plate/voodoo - couch stretch - lizard stretch - pigeon stretch 15 empty bar front squat retest 15 empty bar thrusters, then start building towards work sets Thruster 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Working towards a 1RM thruster. Score is total number of kgs, so record each set/lift as either a hit or a miss. Increase weight each round until completed, or failure. If you fail twice, you may strip weight down and complete the reps. Racks may be used. Monday
17 Jul 2017 6 min AMRAP 1 length walking lunge with plate overhead 8 knees to elbows/ knees up 1 length walking lunge with plate overhead 12 plate ground to overhead "BAR MUSCLE UP / RIG TEKKERS EVERYONE DOES 3 x 5 little kips (all shoulders, no hips) 3 x 4 big kips (shoulders + hips) If you can do 10x Rx pullups linked: L1: 1-2-3-4-5... BMU LINKED L2: Practice BMU with bands If you are working on getting your Rx pullup L3: Try 2-3 reps at a time of each of these 1. Kipping in a band. 2. Kip + pull 3. Kip + pull + push away 4. Linking kipping pullups without losing rythym. " "Tabata row/bike (4 mins) Rest 1 minute Tabata squats (4 mins) Rest 1 minute Tabata row/bike (4 mins) Rest 1 minute Tabata kb swings @ 32/24kg (4 mins) The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Your Tabata score is the LEAST number of calories rowed/biked or reps performed in any of the 8 intervals. Thursday 14 July
WARM UP 35 medball cleans for time. SQUAT CLEAN and JERK L1: Build this complex: 1 SQUAT CLEAN 1 HANG CLEAN 1 PUSH JERK Perform the WOD at no more than 75% of your heaviest weight. L2: Keep weight light and do 3 cleans + 1 push jerk focus on the SHRUG and UNDER of the clean. WOD 5 minute AMRAP Squat clean and jerk @ 75/55kg Wednesday 12 July
WARM UP 20 pass throughs 10 tuck jumps 5 burpees 3 rounds PULLUPS - 15 minutes Everyone starts with: 3 x 5 little kips (all shoulders, no hips) 3 x 4 big kips (shoulders + hips) L1: If you are able to do 10 unbroken Rx kipping pullups For quality, not for speed 35 L-sit / Rx strict pullups L2: Try 2-3 reps at a time of each of these 1. Kipping in a band. 2. Kip + pull 3. Kip + pull + push away 4. Linking kipping pullups without losing rythym. For time: 1,200-meter run 75 pull-ups // 50 pullups 800-meter run 50 pull-ups // 35 pullups 400-meter run 25 pull-ups //15 pullups 23 minute CAP Any athlete may choose to scale to the lower number of reps, athletes using bands are strongly encouraged to do so and to focus on making sure they are completing the movement standard on each rep. Movement standards are to be maintained at all times. PISTOLS: 10 MINS
1. 30 squat therapy 2. 30 alternating pistols to a 20" box 3. 30 alternating pistols to a bench 4. 20 alternating pistols to a wallball 5. 20 alternating pistols HANDSTAND - 12 minutes If you are able to handstand walk: Spend 12 minutes warming up and practicing If you are able to handstand: Spend 12 minutes practicing steps on the spot If you have never done a handstand: Let's try! 20 min AMRAP 10 toes to bar 20 pistols, alt 25-foot handstand walk OR 20 steps on the spot against the wall (lift one hand off the floor, then the other) or 20 push press @ 20/15kg |
July 2018