Tuesday 25 Jul 2017
CUE UP LOUD LIFTING MUSIC! BURGENER WARM UP With a PVC pipe: 3 x down and ups 3 x high elbows 3 x muscle snatch 3 x overhead squat 3 x full snatch SNATCH 5-4-3-2 Warm up sets, increase weight each time, no need for touch and go. Combine with any additional mobility you require. You then start your 8 lifts. NEW: Any new members get a full review of the snatch movement Snatch - Power or Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (8 singles) Increase weight each round until completed, or failure. Record hit and failed lifts. Score = total kg of top 6 successful lifts If you PB, ring the bell! |
July 2018