Friday 23 June
Warm Up 3 toes to bar / toes to chin run to the end of the long platform 3 burpees run back to the rig 3 toes to chin, etc. 5 minute AMRAP WOD 1 9 minute AMRAP 15 shoulder to overhead @ 60/42.5kg 200m run REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN WODS WOD 2 - FOR TIME 30 head touch burpees 25 hang cleans @ 60/42.5kg 75 air squats 25 hang cleans 30 head touch burpees Time cap: 25 mins Wednesday 21 June
Strength 7 x 3 overhead squats Increase weight each set WOD 10 rounds 6 snatches @ 60/42.5kg 6 bar over burpees Rx cap = 14 minutes Time cap = 20 minutes Tuesday 20 June
Strength: 8 x 2 heavy strict press 8 x 2 L sit strict pull-ups WOD 11 min AMRAP 30 kb swings @ 32/24kg 15 triple unders / 50 double unders / 100 single unders Monday 19 June
Strength - Deadlifts WOD In a 7 minute window 20 front squats 400m run Amrap GTOH Rest 2 mins REPEAT SCORE IS TONNAGE GTOH x kg Friday 16 June
"Fight Gone Bad!" Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20" box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) Wednesday 14 June
Strength Build to your heaviest Clean and 2 Split Jerks WOD 16 min AMRAP 3 bar muscle up / 15 pull-ups 20 air squats 30 second handstand hold Tuesday 13 June
Strength Strict press 1 x 5 @ 55% 1 x 5 @ 65% 1 x 3 @ 75% 3 x 3 @ 85-90% Superset 12 deadlifts @ 50% WOD 5 x 3 minute rounds Run 400m Amrap wallballs Rest 1 minute between sets Monday 12 June
Strength - Back Squat WOD - 2 rounds for time 100 double unders 20 STOH @ 70/50kg 400m run // 500m row 18 minute cap Friday 9 June
"ALL THE CROSSFIT" 3 rounds for time 30 wallballs 30 kb swings @ 32/24kg 30 toes to bar 30 burpees Cash out: 400m run with sandbag Thursday 8 June
Skill : HSPU L1: 14 min Amrap Min 1: 6 HSPU Min 2: 30 double unders L2: HS practice and tekkers WOD 20 front rack lunges @ 60/42.5kg 200m run 30 front rack lunges @ 42.5/30kg 400 m run 40 front rack lunges @ 30/20kg 800m run Rx cap = 15 mins Full cap = 20 mins |
July 2018