Monday 16 January
WARM UP / WOD PREP - 15 mins 3 rounds - 30 unbroken DUs // OR 2 mins of DU practice - 2 length overhead single dumbbell walking lunges (swap arms after 1 length, build weight if desired) // OR 2 lengths front rack single dumbbell walking // OR 2 lengths unweighted walking lunge When completed, build to WOD weight with barbell. WOD - "HANG ON FOR DEAR LIFE" 3 rounds for time of: 50 barbell lunges @ 42.5/30kg 30 kb swings @ 24/16kg 100 double-unders // or 200 singles 17 min CAP Lunges and kbs': LIGHT!! First set should be doable in 2 sets DU's can be scaled as low as 35 per round. |
July 2018