Tuesday 15 August
DEADLIFTS - SWITCH IT UP! L1: 5 x 7 touch and go, start at 50% of your 3RM, increase each round. Switch your grip! If you normally use flip grip, use double overhand. If you normally use double overhand, use flip grip. WOD HEAVY DAY! 5 rounds for tonnage/reps: Unbroken deadlifts (TOUCH AND GO) Unbroken ring dips Rest as needed between sets. Time CAP = 25 MINUTES Scaling options for dips: - Bands: use a band that allows you to do at least 5 unbroken, AND make the movement standard of BICEP TOUCHING RING. - Tricep grip pressups, banded or Rx: You are BROKEN as soon as you move your feet or your knees/thighs touch the floor. |
July 2018