Year One: 6-12 Months The gains are coming thick and fast now. You feel like you are finally getting your head around the Olympic Lifts (oh wow, you LIFT with your LEGS! I GET IT NOW.) You retested one of the Girls WODs that you did back in your first few weeks, and absolutely destroyed your old score even though you went with a heavier weight this time. Your body is CHANGING. The people who thought you were mental for doing CrossFit now remark on how much weight you've lost or how much muscle you've put on. Maybe you decide to experiment with your diet, and read up about Paleo or the Zone, or join the Nutrition Challenge at the box. It can't be harder than Fran, right? You're not always the last one to finish anymore, and you make sure to cheer for the new people as they struggle to finish their WODs. You remember that feeling all too well. You go on your first Box Night Out. You can't believe how different everyone looks when they are not covered in Reebok and chalk. Someone does burpees on the dancefloor. Maybe you've been giving some thought to competing, when your Coach asks you if you'd like to put your name in for the In House Competition they're having at the box, or for the local Throwdown. You? Competing? What if you can't lift the weights? What if you can't do a pullup? Then you remember that it's all scaleable, and that no one will ever laugh at you for trying. You put your name down. You don't sleep for three weeks. You turn up on the day in your best stash ready to give it all you've got. And as soon as you hear 3,2,1,'s just another WOD. You have your first CrossFit Anniversary. Maybe you redo your first ever WOD. Maybe you clean out your closet of all the clothes that don't fit anymore and give them to charity.
One thing is for sure. Year Two is going to be MEGA. |
July 2018