Thursday 13 October WOD - 3 rounds for time 20 front rack lunges @ 60/42.5kg 12 STOH Each set to be UNBROKEN Every break = 10 wallballs Wednesday 12 October
5 x 10 strict press @ 50% 6 narrow grip OHS WOD - 10 min AMRAP 6 hang snatch @ 35/25kg 4 bar over burpees Tuesday 11 October
Rep It Out WOD 2! 100 double unders 25 down and ups 25 STOH @ 50/35kg 25 toes to bar 25 plate GTOH @ 20kg 25 down and ups 100 double unders Monday 10 October 5 x 10 back squat @ 50% WOD - 6 pack CINDY 20 min AMRAP 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 air squats 20 ab mat sit ups Tuesday 4 October
8 min AMRAP 8 front rack lunges @ 70/52.5kg 8 bar over burpees Rest 2 minutes 4 min AMRAP Thrusters at same weight Friday 7 October Split jerk footwork drill Build to a heavy 2 WOD 10-1 Back squat Power clean @ 50% of 3RM BSquat Thursday 6 October WOD 2 mins MAX EFFORT each: - Row for calories - box over burpees - pullups 3 rounds Rest 1 mins between rounds Wednesday 5 October
Snatch - 6x3 touch and go WOD 21-15-9 Kettlebell swings @ 32/24kg Then 21-15-9 Goblet squats Run 200m with kettlebell after each set Monday 3 October
4 x 11 strict press "45% WOD - 13 min AMRAP 30 double unders / 60 singles 20 air squats 10 toes to bar / 15 knee raises |
July 2018